The pandemic has taught us many things about how we can work together to come to a good outcome. It’s also brought a huge shift in the way that most of us work and hybrid working arrangements are the new ‘normal’ for most professions, including Data and Analytics.
It makes sense that candidates looking for their new role would be looking to maintain the level of flexibility in their day-to-day life that they found during the pandemic. However, it’s not always practical to keep working from home arrangements going post-pandemic; especially as many employers believed it to be a temporary fix while they dealt with lockdowns and isolation.
While COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere any time soon, there is a very real feeling of living with it rather than trying to live around it. This has prompted many employers to gently nudge employees back into the office or the workplace rather than maintain a work from home arrangement.
Some candidates have embraced going back to the social office they used to work in, and others prefer to continue to work from home. At the same time, remote working options are increasingly becoming a top priority for jobseekers when looking for a new role. It’s important to note that while many companies are choosing to work with employees and are introducing permanent hybrid options, not every employer can offer this. So how does everyone find a balance?
Let’s explore how you can get the best for your situation when looking for new roles so that you can get the best from your working arrangement.
Flexibility Isn’t ‘One Size Fits All’
During the process of looking for new jobs, you’ll understandably be looking for the ‘ideal’ circumstances for your lifestyle. If you’ve become comfortable in your industry working from home, you might be hesitant about the idea of going back into the office.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that flexibility isn’t ‘one size fits all’, and not every role can offer the same working arrangements, just as not every arrangement works for every person. For example, a job may not allow for working from home full time because there are some customer-facing elements to the role, or in-person collaboration is crucial to a particular project.
The key is to understand the unique circumstances of the role and consider how this might fit in with your requirements. You might find that you have no problem with coming to the office a couple of days a week if it means landing your dream role!
Stay Open to Your Options
The secret to finding a role with the flexibility you require is considering the total package offer, and being open-minded when reviewing your options. Perhaps the potential employer cannot offer hybrid working right now, but may be able to in the future. Maybe you’d need to be in the office a little more than you’d like, but the pay package is generous and you’d still be able to do the school pickup. While it’s good to prioritise your must-haves to ensure a role fits your needs and lifestyle, don’t forget to look at the bigger picture, too.
It may be helpful to make a list of what is most important to you in a new role and where you can afford to be flexible. If you’d really like to have professional development opportunities and great scope for advancement, you might be willing to come into the office regularly if it means securing a role that offers this.
Everyone is different, but keeping the various benefits in perspective gives you the best chance of securing the right role.
Work with Your Recruiter
Balancing both your requirements and those of potential employers can be a major challenge for jobseekers, which is why working with a specialist Data and Analytics recruiter can save you a lot of headaches!
A good recruiter will take the time to understand both your wants and needs and those of the employers they work with, so we are in the best position to find the right match. It’s important to always be honest with your recruiter, but at the same time, try to go into the process with an open mind. Sometimes your ideal role looks different than you expected!
Additionally, we can also serve as the go-between when negotiating a job offer, making the process a whole lot easier and helping you and the employer meet in the middle. Ensuring both parties walk away satisfied and facilitating long-term professional relationships is always our end game.
If you want to ensure that you are getting the best from your job search and your must-have list, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at Continuum today. We can walk you through the expectations of the roles available in Australia, and you can walk us through your needs. We’ll help you to make flexibility work for all concerned!